Audit Exam Review (24-Month Access)
Get the best-in-class preparation with Becker’s CPA Audit (AUD) Exam Review. Get 24-month access to our expert instructors, vast library of multiple choice and task-based simulation questions, Simulated Exams, SkillBuilder video solution videos and more!
One of the first steps to becoming a licensed CPA is passing all four parts of the Uniform CPA Exam. This includes the three Core sections of the exam: Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) and Taxation and Regulation (REG) as well as one of the three Discipline sections: Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR), Information Systems and Controls (ISC), or Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP). Each section is important, as you must pass all four CPA Exam parts to become a certified public accountant.
As you begin your CPA Exam preparation, you may find that you’re more knowledgeable in certain parts than others. A CPA single-part course allows you to focus on one CPA section at a time, rather than reviewing all CPA Exam content at once. The Becker Audit Exam Review ensures that you master the content that’s covered on the Audit exam with confidence.
Popular add ons

Becker's Auditing and Attestation Final Review complements your CPA Exam Review course, and it is designed to help you focus your study time during the final days leading up to your exam day.
**Course required for purchase. Current or former students, please log in to purchase.
Audit ExamSolver includes over 200 ExamSolver videos for the task-based simulations and multiple-choice questions. Course required for purchase. Current or former students, please log in to purchase.
The Audit flashcards are designed to complement the Audit module of the CPA review course.
Printable flashcards are available to current Becker students. Course required for purchase. Current or former students, please log in to purchase. (Non-Refundable)