The CMA Exam is challenging, but when you dedicate the time and rely on the right exam prep materials, you should be able to pass the first time. Now, Becker guarantees it with our CMA Pass Guarantee. Learn more about what's on the exam, how Becker is with you every step of the way.
Understanding the CMA Exam
To get your CMA Certification, you need to meet specific education and experience requirements and pass a two-part exam that covers 12 core competencies. Part One covers Financial Planning, Performance and Analytics and tests you on topics like:
- External financial reporting decisions
- Planning, budgeting and forecasting
- Performance management
- Cost management
- Internal controls
- Technology and analytics
CMA Part 2 focuses on Strategic Financial Management and includes:
- Financial statement analysis
- Corporate finance
- Decision analysis
- Risk management
- Investment decisions
- Professional ethics
Becker gets you CMA Exam Day ReadySM
The CMA Exam is intensive, and the Institute of Management Accountants recommends studying for 150 to 170 hours per section. However, successfully passing the CMA Exam isn't just about how long you study, it's also essential that you spend that time on the right materials. That's where Becker comes in. We have everything you need to get Exam Day ReadySM, including:
- Digital textbooks
- 500+ flashcards
- 4,000 multiple choice
- 76 essay questions
- Comprehensive lecture videos
All our materials are continually updated to provide 100 percent coverage of the ICMA Learning Outcomes Statements.
When you choose the CMA Exam Pro, you'll get even more resources to help you succeed:
- Printed textbooks
- Unlimited access so you can work at your pace
- LiveOnline virtual classrooms for improved interaction
- 5 one-hour, 1:1 academic tutoring sessions
And now, you get Becker's Pass Guarantee!
What is the CMA Pass Guarantee?
When CMA candidates purchase Becker's CMA Review Pro and become Exam Day ReadySM, you're eligible for our Pass Guarantee. This means, if you don't pass Part One OR Part Two of the exam, Becker will give you $250 to re-take the exam.
How do you become Exam Day ReadySM?
Before you take Part One or Part Two of the exam, you must complete the following:
- 80 percent of Becker's lectures in each module
- Correctly answering 80 percent of multiple-choice questions and essays in the practice section of each module
- Receiving a score of 50 percent or higher on both Becker Simulated Exams and Mini Exams.
You only need to complete the above list for the section of the exam you're taking. So, if you're taking Part One of the CMA Exam, you'll want to make sure you've met the above list for Part One before you test.
How to claim your guarantee
If you've purchased or upgraded to the Becker CMA Review Pro Package before November 6, 2023, you meet the Exam Day ReadySM requirements, and it's the first time you fail the section since choosing Becker, we can give you $250 so you can re-test.
To redeem the guarantee, you just need to email us at passguarantee@becker.com with a copy of the Candidate Performance Report from Prometric that shows your score and include your name, test score, and exam date.
- Exam sections must be taken within 12 months from the date you purchased your Becker Pro CMA Exam Review package.
- Sections not passed due to Exam no-shows, any testing blackout periods, or being turned away from testing for any other reason does not qualify you.
- Requests for the Becker Pass Guarantee must be submitted no later than ninety (90) days after the date a failed exam score is released.
Learn more about our Pass Guarantee policies, including answers to frequently asked questions.
Get a 14-day free trial of the CMA Exam Review
Choosing an exam review is a pretty big decision, and we want you to feel confident you're making the right one. If you're ready to start studying for the CMA Exam, get a 14-day free trial of our leading exam prep course!